Hey 👋 I’m Matteo Innocenti, welcome to my website.
I’m a computer engineer who’s been building apps for 12 years.
My main interests are in the mobile apps land with native Android and iOS apps above any alternatives. There are many chances you are using at least one of them on a daily basis without even knowing, from music to weather forecasts, social networks, food delivery, shopping, tourist guides and many b2b setups. Hope you enjoyed the ride!
I’m the co-founder of Appstyx Developing Awesomeness, a IT company based in Florence, Italy, with a deep focus on mobile apps development.
While in grad school I wrote a paper about unsupervised learning for image classification: Fast image clustering of unknown source images, featured in 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security.
Feel free to get in touch with me for any questions or just to say hi, you can find me almost everywhere online with this handle @matteinn.